Aiyah... Thank you la MCA. You kinda helped me boost my ego again. Paiseh... Paiseh... And I can now confirm that I have a super forward vision, thanks to you guys. Thank you, thank you.
Or maybe not. Hmmmm... Come to think of it, the plot is just so obvious. Repeated a thousand times over and over again.
Plot - somebody somewhere try to harm some Chinese welfare, rice bowl etc. Make a big fuss out of it. Get the Chinese enraged. Then MCA-the-saviour comes to the rescue. Bosanlah... Lagi baru punya pattern takda meh?
There you go ladies and gentlemen, MCA once again 'rescued' the Chinese because of 'their influence and position in the BN government'. Good if it's true, but very naughty if MCA is the one who created the 'problem' for them to 'solve'. Yes, we are talking about the MRT taking over Jalan Sultan issue.
Whoa I tell you, MCA is now hero again loh. Saved the entire Chinatown man! The identity of Chinese in Malaysia. Without MCA, where got Chinatown anymore by end of 2011? MCA damn kau hero loh I tell you. They should have a parade of all MCA leaders at Chinatown, get special permission to light a 100m fire crackers, have 50 lions dancing tong-tong-cheng around. Special MCA buffet of hokkien char, wantan meen, watt tan hor, grilled fish, air mata kucing, mausang wong etc. Door gifts must be Loiue (sic) Vouitton Neverfull or (Malaysia's hottest) Hermis (sic) Birkin.
Na!!! (Double middle fingers up!) MCA... Na!!! (Double middle fingers up, again!)
I am sure many of you saw this coming. Come on, if I can, then surely thousands more did too. If you are one of those who think that the acquisition is so that some government crony get to buy the prime land at cheap prices later, then you are too simplistic in your strategies. It is elections time. Not everything is about money anymore. This is the time to show your relevance. Get back into office, then only you loot.
Any Tom, Dick and Ramasamy will tell you that you do not need to do the shoplot acquisitions in the very first place. The whole entire blardie idea of an underground tunnelling is to prevent any disturbance above ground level. If the acquisition is required, you might as well build on top of the acquired land. Architecture 101 I say. And constructing above ground level is too cheap. We are in Malaysia. We cannot afford to have cheap projects else nobody gets rich. I do not know the costs of the underground tunnelling works but logic dictates that it sure costs much more than a straight forward above ground construction.
Caveat: The reason I do not know the cost is not because I am lazy to go search. Ummm... actually, nobody knows the total cost of the MRT project loh. We are Malaysians. We do things differently here. So what if we are the only ones who manage a project without having a budget or costing. We can, ok! Malaysia... Boleh! RM50 billion or RM100 billion... small money dei... loose change...
And did anyone not realise that no acquisition prices for the shoplots have been bandied about? Of course cannot la. If you offer the shop owners, say, RM50 million per shoplot, you think they still go make noise meh. They would have happily signed the SPA 3 weeks ago la. So you must throw around some scary land acquisition act. Make some small government agencies look monstrous, then only can have hero Chua. Bugger, hero Chua man! Saviour of the Chinese, woohoo! (Fark him la...)
And now Bukit Bintang. Whoa! That landmark Mc-Ah-Nold also the MRT people want to tear down. Very scary lah this government people. Take land with ease. And probably pay the owners peanuts. Fear not Bukit Bintang. Hero Chua will come save the day. He will 'convince' the authorities to leave your shoplots alone. On top of that, MCA will make sure that works beneath will not affect your structure. With MCA you will not even feel a thing while they tunnel way below your arse.
See, MCA bagus! Who says MCA is irrelevant? (Me! Me!Me!)
Sandiwara saja banyaklah UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan... Waste of everybody's time.
Doesn't it come as a surprise that both areas (Chinatown and Bukit Bintang) are Chinese areas? I hope these folks don't fall for the charade. And please remember that PR's representative with the likes of Tony Pua were there for you first.
And that folks, is the sign that the next elections is around the corner. MCA only gets busy when they need you. But if you don't need them, they will create something so that it looks like you need them. Like that also can! &$^@()@#!!!
Uncles and aunties, don't be surprised if Chua Soi Lek pops up at your house one of these days, asks to use the toilet and leaves his poop unflushed. (Actually he purposely broke the flushing system already one). But not to worry. He can with a snap of 2 fingers get Indah Water to repair your toilet in 5 minutes. I tell ah, imagine if Chua Soi Lek didn't decide to poop in your house that day. Silap silap your house stink with your own poop for weeks before IWK come clean the mess ah. Chua Soi Lek hou yeh! Now you see the importance of MCA and Chinese representation in the BN government.
You all think so easy is it to be a politician. Sit down and money fall on your lap? Very difficult one. You all dunno only...