Hishammuddin Hussein, are you very sure of what you are doing? Do you have what it takes to live with the repercussions of the words you uttered today? You have better realise that you have set a very dangerous precedent today.
Here are extracts (from Malaysian Insider) of what Sham had to say.
On the use of a cow’s head during last Friday’s demonstration:
They, the organizers, … didn’t even know that somebody was going to bring the head of the cow during that demonstration.
On why police allowed the 50 demonstrators to proceed without interruption:
Hishammuddin told reporters that the police allowed the demonstrators to proceed because the numbers of protestors were small.
Put is simply, this is what Sham has to say:
2. Any gatherings with head counts numbering 50 and below will be allowed from now onwards. No permit or permission required to be applied from the authorities. Again, the ISA is dead.
I did not come up with the above. Hishammuddin Hussein did.
In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather outside a church and burn the bible at its footstep, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gather can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to burn the bible and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?
In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather outside the Kuan Yin temple and bring along, yet another, cow’s head, step and spit at it, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gathered can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to bring the cow’s head and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?
In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather outside a mosque and bring along a pig’s head, step and spit at it, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gathered can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to bring the pig’s head and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?
In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather at Wisma MCA and bring along a keris, wave it, kiss it and call for the keris to be soaked in Chinese blood, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gathered can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to bring the keris and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?
In the future, should any group of less than 50 people gather outside UMNO’s HQ, PWTC, and bring along a full size roasted pig, chop it and feast on it at the doorstep of PWTC, no action can be taken by the police and government authorities. Those who gathered can simply plead ignorance of the intention of someone to bring the pig and they will be let off scot free. Hishammuddin, are you going to be responsible for any repercussions?
Hishammuddin Hussein, you have set a precedent. A very dangerous precedent. This is what happens when you choose to effect the law based on your whims. How are you going to justify taking action against 1 scenario but not against another? You are simply making life impossible for yourself, you idiot. Your myopic action today will only throw the country into further lawlessness. A law is only good when it is consistently applied. But what do you know about the law? What do UMNO and BN know about the law?
You are a dirty politician who has a set of laws for UMNO and another for the rest of
You are a racist who has a set of laws for your band of fanatic Malays and another for the rest of
You are a coward who has a set of laws for your band of extremist Muslims and another for the rest of
If I were a politician, I’ll be ashamed of you.
If I were a Malay, I’ll be ashamed of you.
If I were a Muslim, I’ll be ashamed of you.
Shame on you, Mr. Home Minister. Shame on you.
You are the Home Minister and it is your duty to preserve law and order in this country. Instead you along with Musa The Terrible are screwing us rakyat left, right and centre. How did a job this important land on your laps? You just do not have it within yourself to stand up for what is right and reject what is wrong. We, the rakyat, do not need a leader like you.
You are a finished article as far as I am concern. You will not get the vote of any Malaysian Chinese. You will not get the vote of any Malaysian Indian. And the best part is, the majority of Malaysian Malays will not vote for you.
Start scouting for yourself a cosy beach home in the Pacifics with the money you robbed from us. Your days are numbered.
By the way, I wore black on Monday 31 August, did you?
This Hisham is now on top of the list in the hall of The Greatest Shame. His head is filled with dung, his mouth coughs out only shit and he smells worse than a pig! If I get to see him, he deserves a spit.
Hishamuddin should be sacked!!
Next time they built a surau near my house, i will go and bring a pig head and burn the quran.
if they get off scott free, i should too!!!
Neo, don't be silly. There's no need to stoop to that level. I think you are better than that. Let your vote do the talking for you.
I am a Malay and I am a Muslim. I am ashamed of Hishamuddin! This is what happens when someone have risen in the ranks due solely to family name and connections. You are not fit to be a leader what more a minister.
Well done Hisham! You've gained another nickname on top of your current ones!
1) Kerismuddin
2) Kerishamuddin
3) Hishamoodin!
4) Kerishamoodin!
I thought I have seen a fair share if idiots in the past and present cabinet. HisapPuting so far is the biggest idiot of all justifying a mob rule and the total disregard for the sensitivities of others. How on earth can he justify such a thing? Oh... I forgot... Zam just clarified that we're proudly 3rd world mentality. What a bunch of frakkers!
What kind of a person is appointed to the post of Home minister ? A person who does not know how to read and write ? krisamooddin is a lawyer himself.Cannot he understand the law ? A learnered person,a lawyer and a Home nister has now become the laughing stock of the world.Malaysia's name has gone down the drain.In the eyed of the world Malaysia has become a totalitarian state.The government can choose to implement any laws according to their fancy.
He has just proven to the world that he has a third world mentality.Malaysia's police and the Home minister does not respect the written laws themselves.They practice two sets of laws,one for the opposition and the other for UMNO and Barisan.
My god ! Even a primary student can interpret the laws.Shame one you Krismooddin !
otak dio dah ado kat kepala lembu tu la!!
i did i did ... i did wear black on 31/8/2009!
I think there is an ulterior motive to this "cow head" episode. And now with Pisshamudin making such statements. The intention is to get us all worked up. Let us remain cool and not fall for it. Make sure all your relatives and friends who have not registered as voters do so. I just can't wait for the next "erection".
Latest from Malaysian Insider: Hishammuddin Changes Tune, Wants Action On Cow-Head Protestors
Hey Sham, the rakyat too hot to handle eh? These UMNO scumbags are only able to hold on to power because the rakyat is NOT UNITED. Unite rakyat Malaysia, unite!